Oryxills ROTMG Private Server
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Application Format

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Application Format Empty Application Format

Post by Oryxill Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:01 pm

1) What is your IGN:

2. What is you current age and do you think this is an appropriate age of handling this responsibility:

3. Why do you want to apply for Developer:

4. What makes you think that your application is unique then the other applicants:

5. What motivated you to apply for this rank?:

6. What are some experiences you have that separate you from the other applicants. Do you think these experiences will help you out as a Admin?:

7. What is your current level of education:

8. If you were chosen as Dev, how would you make OPS a more enjoyable place:

9. If you got in a disagreement with the an other staff member, how would you handle the situation:

10. How good do you think your grammer is?:

11. What are some of your hobbies (Sports, craftsmanship etc.):

12. Would you like to say anything else?:

You Must Follow This Format Or Your Application Will Be Automatically Denied!

Posts : 20
Join date : 2015-07-04
Age : 24
Location : Norco CA


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