Oryxills ROTMG Private Server
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Pillow - Admin Application

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Pillow - Admin Application Empty Pillow - Admin Application

Post by Meapy Sat Aug 08, 2015 2:28 am

1) What is your IGN:

2. What is you current age and do you think this is an appropriate age of handling this responsibility:

14 and Yes it is

3. Why do you want to apply for Admin:
I want to apply for admin as i want to help this server to become as successful as it could be and make everyone playing this server as happy as they could be!

4. What makes you think that your application is unique then the other applicants:
I think that my application is unique more then other applicants is that i have been playing realm for over 4years now and i've been playing pserver for just under 2years and i know most of the things to know about realm

5. What motivated you to apply for this rank?:  
I've been back to playing pserver for along time now and i think it is time to be more than a player in a pserver

6. What are some experiences you have that separate you from the other applicants. Do you think these experiences will help you out as a Admin?:
Back when psevers were starting i was GM in alot of servers but then i quit and i'm looking to get back into ROTMG pservers, and i think in thoes server that i have had i rank, most people thought i was good at it

7. What is your current level of education:
Going into 9th Grade

8. If you were chosen as Admin, how would you make OPS a more enjoyable place:
I would help everyone i would see, i would play the server a lot, play with people, help people max and convince them to play this server for along time to come

9. If you got in a disagreement with the an other staff member, how would you handle the situation:
If the disagreement got  too big I would get someone higher rank then me figure it out, but if not i would solve it as fast as i can

10. How good do you think your grammer is?:
well first you spell grammar with an A not an E and i think mine is 9/10 but i'm not a grammar nazi

11. What are some of your hobbies (Sports, craftsmanship etc.):
I Love Football(Soccer) Liverpool F.C is my favourite team, I am a hard-core gamer, I also play Badminton during the school year with my school

12. Would you like to say anything else?:
Good luck to everyone else who is applying and Thanks for reading!


Posts : 6
Join date : 2015-08-08

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Pillow - Admin Application Empty Re: Pillow - Admin Application

Post by Oryxill Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:29 pm

We No Longer Need Admins But I Would Accept You For Helper If You Were More Active!

Posts : 20
Join date : 2015-07-04
Age : 24
Location : Norco CA


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