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Application for Admin

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Application for Admin Empty Application for Admin

Post by Aniac Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:34 pm

1) What is your IGN: Aniac

2. What is you current age and do you think this is an appropriate age of handling this responsibility: 12 and yes.

3. Why do you want to apply for Admin: To be able to help people when needed if no other admins are on.

4. What makes you think that your application is unique then the other applicants:
I want to help people other applications people want to be able to spawn in items.
5. What motivated you to apply for this rank?:
I got help from another admin and that made me think "I wanna help out too."
6. What are some experiences you have that separate you from the other applicants. Do you think these experiences will help you out as a Admin?:Others want the power to spawn but I want to help and yes I do think it will help me out.

7. What is your current level of education: 7th grade

8. If you were chosen as Admin, how would you make OPS a more enjoyable place: I would be on most of the time and if people asked me to spawn mobs I would.

9. If you got in a disagreement with the an other staff member, how would you handle the situation: I wouldn't argue and find an agreement.

10. How good do you think your grammer is?:I think my grammar is fine.

11. What are some of your hobbies (Sports, craftsmanship etc.): Playing OPS

12. Would you like to say anything else?: That will do Thank You.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2015-08-10

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Application for Admin Empty Re: Application for Admin

Post by Oryxill Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:30 pm

To Simple Please Be More Specific! DENIED

Posts : 20
Join date : 2015-07-04
Age : 24
Location : Norco CA


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