Oryxills ROTMG Private Server
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Afro's Admin Applic.

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Afro's Admin Applic. Empty Afro's Admin Applic.

Post by Afro Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:47 am

Heyo, my name is Isaac Powlett, im 15, ive been playing this server for a little bit now as my friend introduced it to me, its the most fun ive had for a while, the reason i would like to be admin is so i can help people out (not literally giving them stuff -.-) also the server would take to a whole new level if i was an admin as i am quite active and i am a very supportive person Smile I wish the best of luck to you all

Sincerely, Afro

Ign: Afro
Prod Ign: AfroNpe/AfroTime
skype: powlett.kids
steam: afrothunda3

Quick side note, my one hate is annoying squeakers, its irrelevant but true Razz


Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-08-22

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