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StupHideous' Admin Application!

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StupHideous' Admin Application! Empty StupHideous' Admin Application!

Post by StupHideous Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:00 pm

1) What is your IGN:
My in game name is: StupHideous
2. What is you current age and do you think this is an appropriate age of handling this responsibility:
17, I do believe this is an appropriate age for this kind of responsibility.
3. Why do you want to apply for Admin:
I want to apply for admin because I believe the OPS players need someone online as often as possible to help stop duping(crashing server, etc.), as well as fill in requests to spawn enemies in the arena, and put the arena to good use.
4. What makes you think that your application is unique then the other applicants:
My application is unique, because I want to expand the player-base, as well as inform people what donating can do for them. I also make sprites, and it is most likely easier to implement them with this rank. (Of course, with the permission of my b, Oryxills)
5. What motivated you to apply for this rank?:
I found that the players were hating on some, if not all of the current admins. (random bans, not hosting, crashing server with mass spawns, attitude etc.)
6. What are some experiences you have that separate you from the other applicants. Do you think these experiences will help you out as a Admin?: I am a people person- I know how to communicate with the community and help out where I can. I am also observant- I can tell when there is a problem, and will do my very best to try and fix it/put it to a stop. I create sprites!- I may be able to implement new things into the server such as: Items, dungeons, enemies, etc. (If, I am able to implement them)

7. What is your current level of education: Junior college year Wink

8. If you were chosen as Admin, how would you make OPS a more enjoyable place:
I would help with the improvement of the server, I would connect with the players, and I would assist putting an end to problems with the server.
9. If you got in a disagreement with the an other staff member, how would you handle the situation:
I would apologize, ( even if I did not a Wink) and I would make it up to them, although, I would never fight with my bruhs.
10. How good do you think your grammer is?:
My grammar is great af. I am in various English programs, so it's hella good. ( I do use slang too, <3)
11. What are some of your hobbies (Sports, craftsmanship etc.):
Hobbies of mine are: PC Games, Basketball, wood crafting, writing, and I am getting into football.
12. Would you like to say anything else?: I would love to be a part of the team. My account (StupHideous) is a fresh account, however, I have been playing the server for about 3 weeks. I chose to make a new account because I would still love to have a non-admin, alt account. Have a great day! Smile


Posts : 2
Join date : 2015-09-21

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StupHideous' Admin Application! Empty Re: StupHideous' Admin Application!

Post by StupHideous Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:02 pm

Age is 19*. My bad haha.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2015-09-21

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